July 3, 2017 By Clare Watson Field Studies Not that kind of culture July 3, 2017 By Clare Watson Field Studies Wild microbes can infect beer with surprising and creative new flavours.
July 3, 2017 By Andrew Katsis Ethograms Singing to impress July 3, 2017 By Andrew Katsis Ethograms On a roost above the forest floor, New Zealand’s short-tailed bats are singing for a mate, and Kathleen Collier is listening.
July 3, 2017 By Patrice Jones Model Specimens Ashley Montagu and the genetics of race July 3, 2017 By Patrice Jones Model Specimens Having no time for ambiguous terms in biology, Patrice Jones was led to Ashley Montagu, who fought for race to be dropped as a biological distinction at a time when it was embedded in culture.