September 7, 2015 By Nicola McCaskill Art & Popular Culture, Issue 2 The violent underground: How the media makes us September 7, 2015 By Nicola McCaskill Art & Popular Culture, Issue 2 Controversial films and video games are often the scapegoat for horrific acts of public violence, but the science behind the media’s influence follows a much more complicated script.
August 31, 2015 By Annika Victoria Art & Popular Culture, Issue 1 Fat belts, mood rings and mind-altering fascinators: Merging technology with fashion August 31, 2015 By Annika Victoria Art & Popular Culture, Issue 1 In a world of smartwatches and colour-changing clothes, technology and fashion are closer than ever. So why is it so hard to get wearable tech right?
August 3, 2015 By Stephen Gerber Art & Popular Culture, Issue 1 The silent beginnings of science fiction cinema August 3, 2015 By Stephen Gerber Art & Popular Culture, Issue 1 Fritz Lang’s 1927 Metropolis has long been hailed as a pioneering work of science fiction cinema, still influencing the genre today.
August 3, 2015 By Jake Kraska Art & Popular Culture, Issue 1 The psychology of comic books: Why we worship superheroes August 3, 2015 By Jake Kraska Art & Popular Culture, Issue 1 With great power comes great responsibility. Can superheroes and comic books impact our psychological development, and even shape society?